The NYU College of Dentistry is located at 345 E. 24th Street (between 1st and 2nd Avenue) in Manhattan.
Directions, via mass transit:
- M15 bus or M15 SelectBusService up First Avenue or down Second Avenue to 23rd Street.
- M23 crosstown bus east on 23rd Street to First Avenue.
- M34A crosstown bus east on 34th Street, down Second Avenue to 23rd Street and First Avenue.
- M21 bus along Houston Street, up Avenue C to First Avenue and 23rd Street.
- Subway: 6, N, R, F, C, or E to 23rd Street stop; transfer to M23 crosstown bus to First Avenue and 23rd Street.
For more information on trains, subways and buses, including maps and schedules, visit the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) website.
If traveling by car:
The closest parking garages are on 25th Street between First and Second Avenues.
Patients: To schedule an appointment, please call (212) 998-9800.
![map_bldgs map with buildings](/content/nyudental/en/aboutus/directions/_jcr_content/tripleBox/nyuimage.img.png/1424717403518.png)