Professional Development

Supporting and engaging with our employees in their professional learning journey

NYU Dentistry Professional Development is committed to providing sustainable, inclusive, and innovative programs to faculty and staff that advance oral health care education, research, and practice. We design professional learning programs that foster an open, inclusive community, that is responsive to institutional initiatives and is aligned with the College's mission and values.

Upcoming Events

During lunchtime events, we will make every effort to accommodate dietary restrictions. If you have a dietary restriction or preference, please complete this form at least three business days prior to the event.

FSDC Grants

Grants for individual or group faculty/staff development are available from the Office of Professional Development. Programs, projects, and activities that are college focused (meet the need of the entire school rather than a segment) and facilitate achievement of our mission, will be given priority.

Funding is available on a competitive basis for presentations at professional meetings, subject to eligibility criteria. All faculty, staff, and administrators (who do not control their own budgets) of NYU College of Dentistry may apply for funding.

Please keep the following points in mind when submitting an application:

  • Funding will not be considered if an applicant has not first received funding from his/her Department
  • Electronic submissions must be completed in full.
  • Applicants may only receive funding once per academic year.
  • Applications should be submitted no later than three months prior to the conference date.
  • Funding will not be provided for individuals who are presenting research already sponsored by a grant.
  • Funding will not be approved retroactively; only applications for future activities will be considered.
  • Funding will not be granted to administrators who control their own budgets.
  • Faculty must present (poster, table clinic or oral presentation) at a conference in order to receive Faculty and Staff Development Grant funding. Faculty will not be funded for conference attendance only. However, staff and administrators are eligible to receive funding for conference attendance, subject to Faculty and Staff Development Grant approval.
  • Faculty will not be funded for attending any type of training and are encouraged to use their Individual Development Accounts for such purposes.
  • Grant applications are subject to Commission guidelines. Late applications will not be considered.
    For applicants who are presenting posters, only first and second authors are funded.
  • All applicants must first secure departmental support before submitting applications for FSDC grants

Individuals must adhere to University travel guidelines, i.e. every effort should be made to procure the best possible rates for airfare and hotel accommodations.

To be reimbursed for approved expenses, grant recipients must submit all original and itemized receipts to their department administrator within 60 days of conference attendance and prior to August 1st. Recipient is reimbursed only up to the approved amount. Recipients may only use their funds for the purpose for which they were awarded. If funds are not used, they will be returned to the pool for the next funding cycle. Funding decisions are final.

All faculty grant recipients will be required to deliver their presentations to the NYU Dentistry community at an Faculty and Staff Develoment event prior to their professional meeting.

Tip Sheets