2020 News Archives

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John McDevitt, PhD

NYU Dentistry COVID-19 Diagnostic App Receives Award in HHS Design-a-Thon


A COVID-19 diagnostic tool created by researchers at NYU Dentistry has earned first place in the People’s Choice Award in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) COVID-19 At-Anywhere Diagnostics Design-a-Thon.

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World Health Organization Redesignates NYU Dentistry as WHO Collaborating Center for Quality Improvement and Evidence-based Dentistry

World Health Organization Redesignates NYU Dentistry as WHO Collaborating Center for Quality Improvement and Evidence-based Dentistry


NYU Dentistry’s Department Epidemiology & Health Promotion has been redesignated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the WHO Collaborating Center for Quality Improvement and Evidence-based Dentistry through December 2024. It is one of only 10 Collaborating Centers on oral health in the world and the only one in the Americas.  

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NYU’s HSDA Chapter Wins 2020 Nuestros Niños Competition

NYU’s HSDA Chapter Wins 2020 Nuestros Niños Competition


The NYU Dentistry chapter of the Hispanic Student Dental Association has been awarded first place in the 2020 Nuestros Niños (Our Children) Competition, a national competition among all U.S dental schools.

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NYU, Columbia, and Takeda Form Research Alliance for Gastrointestinal and Liver Disorders

NYU, Columbia, and Takeda Form Research Alliance for Gastrointestinal and Liver Disorders


Collaboration will fund research to develop new drugs to treat gastrointestinal disorders

New York University, Columbia University, and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited have formed a collaborative research alliance to begin and advance gastroenterology research programs, with the goal of developing new therapies for patients with gastrointestinal and liver disorders.

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Brooklyn Patient Care

NYU College of Dentistry Opens Practice in Downtown Brooklyn


New practice brings high-quality, affordable, comprehensive dental care to residents of Brooklyn and surrounding area and introduces innovative model of dental education.

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NYU Dentistry to Increase Access to Dental Implants for Patients in Need Thanks to Leading Implant Provider

NYU Dentistry to Increase Access to Dental Implants for Patients in Need Thanks to Leading Implant Provider


Straumann Group North America supports implant dentistry patient care and education through funding and in-kind support

NYU College of Dentistry (NYU Dentistry) has received funding and in-kind support from Straumann Group North America, a global leader in tooth replacement and orthodontic solutions, to make dental implants more accessible for patients in need and to foster and enhance student education at NYU Dentistry.

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Human Enamel Prisms

Dr. Timothy Bromage Wins FASEB 2020 BioArt Competition


Congratulations to Timothy Bromage, PhD, professor of molecular pathobiology, who was selected as a winner of the 2020 BioArt competition of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB).

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NCI STTR Saxena Li Announcement

NYU Dentistry Awarded NIH Grant to Alter Gut Microbiome to Improve Pancreatic Cancer Treatment


Drs. Deepak Saxena and Xin Li have received a new Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program grant from the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health. The funding will support their work to create and test probiotics that alter the gut microbiome to see if they can enhance the efficacy of immunotherapy in treating pancreatic cancer.

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Most Dentists Have Experienced Aggression from Patients

Most Dentists Have Experienced Aggression from Patients


NYU study is first to describe rates of physical, verbal, and reputational aggression by patients toward practicing dentists

Roughly half of U.S. dentists experienced verbal or reputational aggression by patients in the past year, and nearly one in four endured physical aggression, according to a new study led by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry.

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Making a Difference

NYU Announces 2020 Making A Difference Award Winners


Biennial awards recognize NYU students, faculty, alumni, and employees who have demonstrated a positive impact on the world through scholarship, advocacy, and other efforts.

NYU President Andrew Hamilton today announced the recipients of the 2020 NYU Making A Difference Awards, a biennial award honoring individuals in the NYU community who have had a positive impact on the world through scholarship and advocacy.

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Oral Cancer Pain Predicts Likelihood of Cancer Spreading

Oral Cancer Pain Predicts Likelihood of Cancer Spreading


Research Identifies Genes Highly Expressed in Painful, Metastatic Oral Cancer, Revealing Mechanism for Cancer Pain

Oral cancer is more likely to spread in patients experiencing high levels of pain, according to a team of researchers at New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry that found genetic and cellular clues as to why metastatic oral cancers are so painful.

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Nigel Bunnet (left) and Brian Schmidt (right)

NYU College of Dentistry Awarded NIH Grant to Investigate Endosomal Receptors as Targets for Chronic Pain Treatment


Funding Comes Through NIH’s HEAL Initiative to Stem Opioid Crisis

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has awarded NYU College of Dentistry researchers Nigel Bunnett, PhD, and Brian Schmidt, DDS, MD, PhD, a $3.9 million grant (R01 DE029951-01) to study targeting endosomal receptors for the treatment of chronic pain.

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Metro Community Health Centers to Open Health Clinic at NYU College of Dentistry

Metro Community Health Centers to Open Health Clinic at NYU College of Dentistry


Federally Qualified Health Center will provide medical and behavioral healthcare to patients, regardless of their ability to pay, and interprofessional education opportunities to dental students

Metro Community Health Centers, Inc. (MCHC) is partnering with NYU College of Dentistry to open a new federally qualified health center. The center will offer primary and specialty medical care as well as behavioral health services to primarily low-income and underserved patients, including medically and behaviorally complex patients.

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NYU College of Dentistry to Host Symposium on Disability and Health Equity–Oct. 2

NYU College of Dentistry to Host Symposium on Disability and Health Equity – Oct. 2


Virtual event will gather health professionals, policymakers, and the disability community to discuss improving access to oral health care for people with disabilities

NYU College of Dentistry will host “AHEAD: Achieving Health Equity through Access for All with Disabilities,” a symposium bringing together experts in the areas of health care advocacy, access, and funding at the state and federal levels for people with disabilities. The event will take place virtually on Oct. 2 from 8:45 am to 1:30 pm EDT.

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Botox for TMJ Disorders

Botox for TMJ Disorders May Not Lead to Bone Loss in the Short Term, But More Research is Needed on Higher Dose, Long-Term Use


Low-dose Botox injections for jaw and facial pain not linked to bone changes, but NYU Dentistry researchers observe reduced bone density at higher doses

Botox injections to manage jaw and facial pain do not result in clinically significant changes in jaw bone when used short term and in low doses, according to researchers at NYU College of Dentistry. However, they found evidence of bone loss when higher doses were used.

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NYU Dentistry Receives $2.4 Million Grant to Study Low-Grade Inflammation in Aging

NYU Dentistry Receives $2.4 Million Grant to Study Low-Grade Inflammation in Aging


NIH grant to focus on the connection among the microbiome, aging, and inflammation

The National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded a grant to researchers at New York University College of Dentistry (NYU Dentistry) to explore age-related, chronic low-grade inflammation and changes in the gut microbiome. The grant (R01AG068857), which began August 15, provides $2.4 million over five years.

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New Hampshire Collaboration Distributes Thousands of Oral Health Kits

NYU Dentistry, New Hampshire Collaboration Distributes Thousands of Oral Health Kits to Kids Missing Care Due to COVID-19


This week, thousands of New Hampshire children received free toothbrushes, toothpaste, and oral health tips during the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to a collaboration between the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Oral Health Program, the New Hampshire Department of Education, and their partnership with the NYU College of Dentistry (NYU Dentistry) school-based cavity prevention program.

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NYU Dentistry Awarded $2 Million to Train Dentists to Treat People with Disabilities

NYU Dentistry Awarded $2 Million to Train Dentists to Treat People with Disabilities


Through new training program funding, "Bridging the Gap" aims to expand dental workforce with skills and commitment to patients with disabilities and complex medical conditions

NYU College of Dentistry’s Department of Pediatric Dentistry has received a nearly $2 million grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to train dentists and other health professionals to provide oral health care to people with disabilities and complex medical conditions. This is the fourth HRSA grant awarded to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry since 2015.

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Scientists at NYU College of Dentistry are looking for alternatives to opioids to manage chronic pain.

Delta Opioid Receptor Identified as Promising Therapeutic Target for Inflammatory Pain Relief


Scientists use nanoparticles to target drug to receptors, offering sustained relief for chronic pain in cellular study of inflammatory bowel disease

Delta opioid receptors have a built-in mechanism for pain relief and can be precisely targeted with drug-delivering nanoparticles—making them a promising target for treating chronic inflammatory pain with fewer side effects, according to a new study from an international team of researchers. The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), was conducted using cells from humans and mice with inflammatory bowel disease, which can cause chronic pain.

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 Dr. Habib Benzian Receives IADR Award for Research in Dental Public Health Sciences

Dr. Habib Benzian Receives IADR Award for Research in Dental Public Health Sciences



Habib Benzian, DDS, MScDPH, PhD, research professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion at NYU College of Dentistry, is a recipient of the Aubrey Sheiham Award for Distinguished Research in Dental Public Health Sciences from the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). The award recognizes an outstanding research paper published during 2019 in the field of dental public health. 

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App Determines COVID-19 Disease Severity

App Determines COVID-19 Disease Severity Using Artificial Intelligence, Biomarkers


COVID-19 severity score, built with data from China and New York City, can help clinicians identify the most at-risk patients

A new mobile app can help clinicians determine which patients with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) are likely to have severe cases. Created by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry, the app uses artificial intelligence (AI) to assess risk factors and key biomarkers from blood tests, producing a COVID-19 "severity score."

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Ye Yi, MS, PhD

NYU Dentistry Awarded $2.2 Million NIH Grant to Investigate How Oral Cancer Causes Pain


Researcher Yi Ye to study Schwann cells and their role in oral cancer progression and pain

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), part of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded NYU College of Dentistry’s Yi Ye, PhD, a $2.2 million, five-year grant to study the role of Schwann cells, the most prevalent type of cell supporting neurons in the peripheral nervous system, in oral cancer progression and pain.

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News, Notes, and Inspiring Stories to Share

News, Notes, and Inspiring Stories to Share


The NYU Dentistry community has long been known for its generosity in providing care for New Yorkers in need. Now, as we all grapple with the unprecedented disruptions caused by  COVID-19, our community has again stepped up in many different ways to offer help where help is needed.

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Teeth Serve as “Archive of Life,” New Research Finds

Teeth Serve as “Archive of Life,” New Research Finds


Teeth constitute a permanent and faithful biological archive of the entirety of the individual’s life, from tooth formation to death.

Teeth constitute a permanent and faithful biological archive of the entirety of the individual’s life, from tooth formation to death, a team of researchers has found. Its work provides new evidence of the impact that events, such as reproduction and imprisonment, have on an organism.

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Fluoride Causes Defects in Tooth Enamel

Study Reveals How Too Much Fluoride Causes Defects in Tooth Enamel


Changes Within Enamel Cells Point to Mechanism by Which Excessive Fluoride Leads to Fluorosis

Exposing teeth to excessive fluoride alters calcium signaling, mitochondrial function, and gene expression in the cells forming tooth enamel—a novel explanation for how dental fluorosis, a condition caused by overexposure to fluoride during childhood, arises. The study, led by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry, is published in Science Signaling.

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Dr. Nadège Gouignard

NYU's Dr. Nadège Gouignard Awarded NIDCR Grant to Study Enzyme Involved in Development of Nervous System and Skull


Nadège Gouignard, PhD, assistant research scientist in the Department of Basic Science and Craniofacial Biology at NYU College of Dentistry, has received a grant from the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) to study the role of the enzyme MMP28 in the formation of the neural crest, a structure that gives rise to the skull and most of the peripheral nervous system. The two-year, $435,875 grant began December 15, 2019.

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