Magni Hippocratis Medicorum

Magni Hippocratis Medicorum




Hippocrates Medicorum

460 BC. Cos - Larissa, 377 BC

Opera Omnia. Translated and edited by Anutio Foesio. Published in Frankfurt in 1596 by Andreas Wechel.

This important Latin translation, the second edition of the 1595 version of Hippocrates' Complete Medical Foundations. This book was purchased from an antique book store from Budapest, Hungary in June 2019.

The book is divided into eight sections: The Hippocratic oath (Ius iurandum), Hippocratic law, a section dedicated to physicians, the nature of man, aphorism, and a section relevant to our profession, on teeth.

This latter section (De dentibus), although practical for the time of Hippocrates, it contains some dubious suggestions/predictions of limited medical value for today’s viewer. The section connects tooth eruption in babies, oral ulcerations and the color and consistency of urine and stool. The book provides a glimpse of the knowledge ancient physicians had to deal with and how much progress has been made in 2000 years since Hippocrates.

The 1596 edition was preceded by several lesser translations in Latin (1525, Rome), (1538 and 1546, Basel) editions that tried to correct errors. Finally, the 1595 edition was compiled by Anuce Foës (1528-1595), a physician from the city of Metz, an edition that became the reference until the 19th century French author, Littré [1839-1861]. According to 19th century Hellenists and scholars, "the 1595 edition remained the critical edition of choice until the nineteenth century" and Anutius Foesius (Anuce Foes) was considered by his contemporaries "...the most learned, industrious, and able of Hippocratic commentators before Littre.

Editorial notes by Andrew I Spielman.

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