JADE Author Guidelines
The Journal of the Academy of Distinguished Educators (JADE) is an open-access journal following the Public Library of Science model in which the authors retain ownership of the copyright for their content but allow anyone to download, reuse, remix, reprint, distribute, and copy the content as long as the original authors and source are cited. [1]
Jade is a peer-reviewed journal that ascribes to the framework of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors concerning ethical principles in the conduct and reporting of research and providing recommendations in specific areas of editing and writing. [2] As stated in its inaugural issue, “the journalistic and editorial values of JADE are editorial independence, original scholarship, and diverse and provocative viewpoints grounded in strong science.”[3]
JADE invites authors who will share their views and expertise on a question that advances knowledge in higher educational theory, methods, and tools. The next issue of the Journal of the Academy of Distinguished Educators (JADE) asks, what is the impact of artificial intelligence on dental education?
To answer the current JADE issue question, we ask that you make an argument based on facts, drawn from your expertise or experience, and delivered in your own voice. Since the submissions are a thoughtful analysis of a question, we ask that you limit the use of quotations and include no more than five references. Recommended or suggested readings for the audience are encouraged.
- Written essays typically run from 1,200 to 1,500 words, although we publish essays that are shorter or longer. In this issue, we may combine papers with similar complementing topics.
- Expert accounts that advance a topic through argument. In this format, experts present findings, highlight problems, and propose solutions to the education community.
- First-person accounts, in which the author(s) describe their experiences in their own words in a way that allows readers to see their perspective or reflect on their own experiences in a different light.
[1] Public Library of Science. License [Internet]. 2024. Cited 2024 Feb 2. Available from: https://plos.org/open-science/open-access/
[2] International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Responsibilities in the submission and peer-review process [Internet]. 2024. [Cited 2024 Feb 2]. Available from: https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/responsibilities-in-the-submission-and-peer-peview-process.html
[3] Northridge M, Robbins M. Why JADE? Why Now? JADE. 2013 Winter; 1(1):3-4.