JADE Peer Review Process

Our peer review process involves two editorial board reviewers and, if needed, one external subject expert review per submission. The goal is to have all reviewed manuscripts returned and ready for final review [Date]. Peer reviewers check the originality and quality of the work, including consulting references cited, fact-checking data and statistics, assessing grammar and language, and providing helpful information to contextualize the submissions (see suggested Reviewer’s Checklist below). Typically, the process takes from 1-2 hours to complete. Using the "line numbers, continuous" functions in Word Layout might help authors with editorial suggestions.

Peer Review Criteria

JADE reviewers recommend to authors how to improve the quality of their manuscripts and identify errors needing correcting. Please indicate whether the paper requires minor or major revisions or is ready for submission based on the below criteria.

Reviewer's Checklist

Overall quality/acceptability check

  • Check the language. Part of your role is to ensure the text's meaning is clear. Number any specific comments and refer to page/ line numbers in the article to make it easy for the authors to address your points.
  • Check for AMA-style formatting (when the author uses references) and relevance of references cited.
  • Fact-check data and statistics for errors.
  • Check for permission to reuse material if published elsewhere.

Contextualize material (this helps the executive editors) 

  • Provide a brief summary of the article and highlight the key messages.
  • Indicate how the article adds to the discussion on our editorial theme.
  • Is the opinion of the author well-argued? Yes or No
  • Ultimately, state whether this work represents good science or an educational advancement and what, if any, will be the impact of this paper on dental education.

Choose one: Minor or major revisions or is ready for submission.