Faculty Information
Evgeny Pavlov, PhD
Molecular Pathobiology
Room 1002S Dental Center, 421 First Avenue
E-mail: ep37@nyu.edu
Visit the Pavlov Lab website >>>
Ph. D. in Biophysics, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia
Diploma in Physics (M.Sc. equivalent), Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Russia
Research Interests/Professional Overview
I obtained my Ph.D., Biological Physics, from the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1999. I did postdoctoral training in the field of mitochondrial physiology at the laboratory of Professor Kinnally at NYU and in the field of ion channel biophysics at the laboratory of Professor French at the University of Calgary. The main focus of my research is on studies of mitochondrial ion channels. We are interested in understanding their roles in normal mitochondrial energy metabolism and pathologies. My key contributions to the field include work on the Mitochondrial Apoptosis Channel and more recent studies of the molecular identity of the Permeability Transition Pore. Principal experimental techniques used in my laboratory include electrophysiology, imaging and biochemistry.
Current Funding
NIHGMS R35GM139615 “Molecular mechanisms of the mitochondrial permeability transition” (PI)
Representative Publications
Complete listing available on the NYU Health Sciences Library site.
Both ANT and ATPase are essential for mitochondrial permeability transition but not depolarization. MA Neginskaya, SE Morris, EV Pavlov. IScience 25 2022 Oct 28;25(11):105447. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105447. eCollection 2022 Nov 18. PMID: 36388971
Neginskaya MA, Solesio ME, Berezhnaya EV, Amodeo GF, Mnatsakanyan N, Jonas EA, Pavlov EV. ATP Synthase C-Subunit-Deficient Mitochondria Have a Small Cyclosporine A-Sensitive Channel, but Lack the Permeability Transition Pore. Cell reports. 2019; 26(1):11-17.e2.
Elustondo PA, Nichols M, Negoda A, Thirumaran A, Zakharian E, Robertson GS, Pavlov EV. Mitochondrial permeability transition pore induction is linked to formation of the complex of ATPase C-subunit, polyhydroxybutyrate and inorganic polyphosphate. Cell death discovery. 2016; 2:16070.
Abramov AY, Fraley C, Diao CT, Winkfein R, Colicos MA, Duchen MR, French RJ, Pavlov E. Targeted polyphosphatase expression alters mitochondrial metabolism and inhibits calcium-dependent cell death. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007; 104(46):18091-6.
Pavlov E, Zakharian E, Bladen C, Diao CT, Grimbly C, Reusch RN, French RJ. A large, voltage-dependent channel, isolated from mitochondria by water-free chloroform extraction. Biophysical journal. 2005; 88(4):2614-25.