Faculty Information
Emi Shimizu, DDS, PhD
Assistant Professor
Basic Science and Craniofacial Biology
345 East 24th Street, Room 1031 S, New York, NY 10010
E-mail: es152@nyu.edu
Research Interests / Professional Overview
Our research focuses on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating reparative dentin formation (tertiary dentin formation). We are interested in the mechanism by which ephrin-Eph interaction controls mesenchymal pulp stem cells and progenitors of odontoblast after tooth injury. We are using murine tooth injury models to identify the signaling pathways in new dentin formation from mesenchymal pulp stem cells or existing pre-odontoblasts.
Representative Publications
Complete listing available on the NYU Health Sciences Library site.
Duncan HF, Smith AJ, Garry J P, Fleming GJ, Partridge NC, Shimizu E, Gary P Moran GP, Cooper PR, The histone-deacetylase-inhibitor suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid promotes dental pulp repair mechanisms through modulation of matrix metalloproteinase-13 activity, J Cell Physiol, in press, Aug 11, 2015
Fei Y, Shimizu E, Nakatani T, McBurney MW, Partridge NC. Sirtuin 1 is a negative regulator of PTH stimulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase 13 in osteoblastic cells. J Biol Chem, 290, 8373-8382, 2015
Shimizu E, Nakatani T, He Z, Partridge NC. Parathyroid Hormone Regulates HDAC4 through PKA-mediated phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in osteoblastic cells. J Biol Chem, 289, 21340-21350, 2014
Lin LM, Shimizu E, Gibbs JL, Loghin S, Ricucci D. Histologic and histobacteriologic observations of failed revascularization/revitalization therapy: a case report. J Endod, in press, 2013
Wang X, Jong G, Lin LM, Shimizu E. EphB/ephrinB interaction controls odontogenic/osteogenic differentiation with calcium hydroxide. J Endod, 39, 1256-1260, 2013.
Shimizu E, Riccuci D, Albert J, Adel S Alobaid, Gibbs JL, , Huang G, Lin LM, Clinical, radiographic and histological observation of a human immature permanent tooth with apical periodontitis after revitalization treatment. J Endod, 39. 1078-1083, 2013.
Tamasi JA, Vasilov A, Shimizu E, Benton N, Johnson J, Bitel CL, Morrison N, Partridge NC. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 is a medicator of the anabolic action of parathyroid hormone on bone. J Bone Miner Res, 28. 1975-1986, 2013.
Barnes VM, Xu T, Shimizu E, Nakatani T, Jefcoat S, Vasilov A, Qin L, Partridge NC. Triclosan blocks mmp13 expression in hormone-stimulated osteoblasts. J Periodontol, 2013 January 31.
Shimizu E, Jong G, Partridge NC, Rosenberg PA, Lin LM. Histologic observation of a human immature permanent tooth with irreversible pulpitis after revascularization/regeneration procedure. J Endod, 38. 1293-1297, 2012
Shimizu E, Tamasi J, Partridge NC. Alendronate affects osteoblast functions by crosstalk through ephrinB1-EphB. J Dent Res, 91. 268-274, 2012
Zhu J, Shimizu E, Zhang X, Partridge NC, Qin L. EGFR signaling suppresses osteoblast differentiation and inhibits expression of master osteoblastic transcription factors Runx2 and Osterix. J Cell Biochem, 112. 1749-1760, 2011
Shimizu E, Selvamurugan N, Westendorf JJ, Olson EN, Partridge NC. HDAC4 represses matrix metalloprotenase-13 transcription in osteoblastic cells and parathyroid hormone controls this repression. J Biol Chem, 285: 9616-9626, 2010