Faculty Information

Maria P. Rodriguez Cardenas, DDS

Clinical Assistant Professor
General Dentistry & Comprehensive Care
137 East 25th Street, 6th floor, New York, NY 10010
E-mail: mpr217@nyu.edu


DDS, Dentistry, NYU College of Dentistry
BA, Biology, Queens College, CUNY

Honors / Credentials

Faculty Honors Reception - February 4, 2020 - Honoree for NYU Grand Hall Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life

Dean's Honors Day - A Celebration of Excellence (March 26, 2017): In recognition of outstanding professional distinction earned during the 2017 calendar year.

NYU College of Dentistry Faculty Council Teacher Recognition Award: In recognition of outstanding teaching and dedication to dental students 2013.


  • Social Media Encourages Change in Practice Management Education
    2020 NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators Showcase  (January 15, 2020)
    Maria P. Rodriguez Cardenas, DDS, Clinical Assistant Professor; Barbara D. Slaska, DDS, Clinical Assistant Professor; Asma Muzaffar, DDS, MPH, MS, Clinical Assistant Professor; Patrick Bivona, DDS, CFP, Clinical Assistant Professor; André V. Ritter, DDS, MS, MBA, PhD, Professor and Chair, General Dentistry & Comprehensive Care.

  • Education in Nutrition Promotes Interprofessional Collaboration Impacting Clinical Health Outcomes
    2019  NYU Academy of Distinguished Educators Showcase 
    Rodriguez Cardenas, Maria P; Milord, Fabiola; Hershkowitz, David; DeBartolo, Angela

  • Nutritional Assessment Promotes Collaborative Education and Teaches Clinical Health Outcomes, Tech expo
    2019 ADEA
    Rodriguez Cardenas, Maria P; Milord, Fabiola; Hershkowitz, David; DeBartolo, Angela

  • Shaping the Future of Dental Education III
    2019 ADEE - Association Dental Education Europe (ADEE) meeting (April 2019 Brescia, Italy)
    "Nutritional Assessments in Dental Education Promotes Inter Professional Collaboration, and Teaches Clinical Health Outcomes”
    Maria P. Rodriguez Cardenas, DDS, Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University College of Dentistry

Representative Publications

Complete listing available on the NYU Health Sciences Library site.

March 19,2018 ADEA - Orlando, Florida Electronic Health Records Framework an Interprofessional Education and Practice (New Ideas Session) Maria P. Rodriguez Cardenas, DDS; Angela De Bartolo, DDS,FACD, FICD; Lucretia DePaola Cefola, DDS, MS; Kenneth L. Allen, DDS, MBA.  

ADEE meeting in London, England, 5/8-5/9/17. "Shaping the Future of Dental Education." Workshop participant on InterProfessional Education. Poster and abstract accepted.

XXI Congreso Nacionale E Internacional De La Asociacion Odontologica Dominicana. "The Realities of Practicing Dentistry in the United States." Panel participation discussing the admissions process and requirements of American dental schools and specifically NYU Dental. Presentation in English and Spanish: "How to Obtain a Dental License in the United States." Maria P. Rodriguez Cardenas, DDS; Mark Wolff, DDS, PhD; David Hershkowitz, DDS; Kenneth Allen, DDS, MBA. October 1-3, 2015.

Rodriguez Cardenas, Maria; DeBartolo, Angela; Wolff, Mark S. Unlocking the Student's Potential to Fabricate Tooth Colored Restorations Utilizing CAD/CAM Technology in Two Progressive Modes. Journal of Dentistry and Oral Care 2015.1(4):1-3. JDOC-15-SC-011 OmegaOnline.com.

"Effectively Communicating with Patients: Teaching Dental Spanish to Students and Faculty." Maria Rodriguez-Cardenas, DDS; Kenneth Allen, DDS, MBA; Cheryline Pezzullo. ADEA National Meeting, Boston. 20 minute new program presentation. March 9, 2015.

Rodriguez-Cardenas, DDS, Maria P.; Mark Wolff, DDS, PhD; David Hershkowitz, DDS; Ken Allen, DDS. Author (primary) of the Dentistry Section of Canopy App, an NIH supported Medical/Dental translation App. Available in 15 languages. Android and IOS accessible. November 2014.