Faculty Information
Mark Wolff, DDS, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Adjunct Clinical Professor
Cariology and Comprehensive Care
Phone: 212-998-9711
E-mail: mark.wolff@nyu.edu
PhD, Oral Biology and Pathology, SUNY Stony Brook 1997
DDS, SUNY Stony Brook 1981
BS, Biology, SUNY Stony Brook 1977
Research Interests / Professional Overview
Dr. Mark S. Wolff is Professor of Cariology and Comprehensive Care at the New York University College of Dentistry. He has designed, developed, and implemented an extensive curriculum in caries risk assessment and has designed dental information systems to assist dental schools in monitoring the risk of the entire dental patient population. He was the founding Councilor of the American Dental Education Association Cariology Section. Dr Wolff has completed numerous international research and oral health assessment programs.
Dr. Wolff received his DDS degree and PhD in Oral Biology and Pathology from Stony Brook University. He has served as the principal or co-principal investigator on multiple bench top and clinical research projects investigating dental caries, novel remineralizing agents, dental erosion, periodontal disease, dental materials and dentinal hypersensitivity. He has published over 75 scientific papers, text chapters and edited multiple textbooks. Dr. Wolff lectures world-wide and is a frequent consultant to industry. He has been the principal or co-principal investigator on more than $6.0 million in industrial and National Institute of Health funded research. Prior to joining the NYU College of Dentistry in 2005, he served as Associate Dean at Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine, where he helped develop and implement the first completely computerized dental record. He frequently serves as a media source for information on consumer issues and hosts an annual radio series on dental issues on satellite radio.
Under Dr. Wolff’s direction, the Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care is currently integrating an extensive program of caries risk assessment and minimal intervention dentistry, tobacco cessation, evidence based dental education and inter-professional education across the entire NYU College of Dentistry curriculum.
Research Interests
- The design of human subject research protocols to investigate human physiologic processes in vivo, thereby enabling the development of human physiologic models that assist in the design and testing of devices/drugs to treat oral health related diseases.
- Clinical research activities include clinical trials on products related to periodontal disease, the caries process, oral malodor treatment, dentinal hypersensitivity treatment, tooth whitening and local anesthesia products. These research activities include in FDA Phase I, II and III clinical trials.
- Dental material research includes mechanical properties testing, in vitro bio-compatibility and in vivo dental materials evaluations.
View Dr. Wolff's Faculty Bibliography at the NYU Health Sciences Libraries web site.
Current Funding
- Co-Principal Investigator, “Planning Parental/Motivational Interventions to Prevent Early Childhood Caries” R34 NIDCR
- Principal Investigator, “A Phase 1 Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Microbiology of C16G2 Administered in a Single Oral Dose in Mouth Rinse to Healthy Adult Subjects” C3-Jian.
- Co-investigator, “Novel Interdisciplinary Intra-Oral Diabetes Screening in Dental Patients” R15 NIDCR.
- Co-investigator, (PI Lynn Videka) “NYU Integrated Behavior Health Project” HRSA.
Representative Publications
Complete listing available on the NYU Health Sciences Library site.
Haber J, Spielman AI, Wolff M and Shelley D. Interprofessional Education Between Dentistry and Nursing: The NYU Experience. CDA Journal, vol 42(1) pp. 44-51, 2014.
Wolff MS, Schenkel AB and Allen KL. Skill Mix and Education for Elder Oral Healthcare, J. Gerodontology 2014; 31 (Suppl. 1): 60–66 doi: 10.1111/ger.12088.
Pretty IA, Ellwood RP, Lo ECM, Macentee MI, Muller F, Rooney E, Murray TW, Van der Putten GJ, Ghezzi EM, Walls A, Wolff, M S. 'The Seattle Care Pathway for securing oral health in older patients'. Gerodontology. 2014 31 Suppl 1():77-87 (# 816982)
Wolff M, Corby P, Klaczany G, Santarpia III RP, Lavender S, Gittins E, Vandeven M, Cummins D, Sullivan R. In vivo effects of a new dentifrice containing 1.5% arginine and 1450 ppm fluoride on plaque metabolism. J Clin Dent 2013; 24 (Spec Iss): A45-54.
Canares G, Salgado T, Pines MS and Wolff MS, Effect of an 8.0% Arginine and Calcium Carbonate Desensitizing Toothpaste on Shear Dentin Bond Strength. J. Clin. Dent. 23(2):68-70, 2012. UI: 22779220.
Baldassarri M, Stappert CFJ, Wolff MS, Thompson VP, Zhang Y. Residual Stresses in Porcelain-Veneered Zirconia Prostheses. Dental Materials, Vol. 28(8), pp. 873-879, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2012.04.019
Gendler M and Wolff MS. The Sensitive Type. Mentor. June 2012.
Takulla NS, Wolff MS and Schenkel AB. Caries Management By Risk Assessment. NYS Dent J, 78(6):41-45, Nov 2012.
Shelley D., Tseng T., Calip G., Anno J., Lloyd M., Wedeles J. and Wolff M.S. Implementing tobacco use treatment guidelines in public health dental clinics in NYC. J Dent Educ 2011 Apr;75(4):527-33. PMID: 21460273
Fontana M and Wolff M. Translating the Caries Management Paradigm Into Practice: Challenges and Opportunities. CDA J 2011 Oct, 39 (10) 702-709.
Shelley D. and Wolff M.S. Tobacco Use Treatment in Dental Practice: Healthy People 2020 Aligns Federal Policy with the Evidence. J Am Dent Assoc 2011 Jun;142(6):592-6. PMID: 21628678
Rethman M.P., Beltrán-Aguilar E.D., Billings R., Burne R.A., Clark M., Donly K.J., Hujoel P.P., Katz B.P., Milgrom P., Sohn W., Stamm J.W., Watson G., Wolff M.S., Wright J.T., Zero D., Aravamudhan K., Frantsve-Hawley J. and Meyer D.M. Nonfluoride caries preventive agents: A systematic review and evidence-based. J Am Dent Assoc 2011 Sept;142(9) 1065-1071.
Klodnitskaya L., Estafan D., Bueno S.M. and Wolff M.S. A geriatric patient: not a deterrent to elective esthetic dentistry. Int J Dent 2011, Vol 2011 Article ID 183471, 5 pages doi:10.1155/2011/183471
Young D, Ricks CS, Featherstone JDB, Fontana M, Fournier SM, Geiermann SP, Hurlbutt M, Kutsch VK, Loftus R, Luther JR, Nový BB, Wolff MS and Wong A, Changing the Face and Practice of Dentistry: a 10-Year Plan. CDA J 2011 Oct, 39 (10) 746-751.
Ross C.F., Baden A. L., Georgi J., Herrel A., Metzger K. A., Reed D. A., Schaerlaeken V. , Georgi, J., and Wolff, M. Chewing variation in lepidosaurs and primates. J. Exper. Bio. 213, 572-584, 2010. UI: 20118308.
Wolff, MS. The Cariogenic Dental Biofilm: Good, Bad or Just Something to Control? Braz. oral res., June 2009, vol.23, suppl.1, p.31-38. UI: 19838556
Wolff , MS. Dentin Hypersensitivity, the biofilm and remineralization: What is the connection? Adv. Dent. Res. 21: 21-24, 2009. UI: 19717406
Spielman, AI and Wolff, MS. Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Evidence-based Dentistry. J Dent Ed 72:263-264, 2008.
Xu L, Yu Z, Lee HM, Wolff MS, Golub LM, Sorsa T and Kuula H. Characteristics of collagenase-2 from gingival crevicular fluid and peri-implant sulcular fluid in periodontitis and peri-implantitis patients: pilot study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 66(4):219-24, 2008.
Goren, AD, Dunn, SM, Wolff, M, van der Stelt, PF, Colosi, DC and Golub, L. Pilot study: digital subtraction radiography as a tool to assess alveolar bone changes in periodontitis patients under treatment with subantimicrobial doses of doxycycline. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 106:e40-e45, 2008.
Golub LM, Lee HM, Stoner JA, Sorsa T, Reinhardt RA, Wolff MS, Ryan ME, Nummikoski PV, Payne JB. Subantimicrobial-Dose Doxycycline Modulates Gingival Crevicular Fluid Biomarkers of Periodontitis in Postmenopausal Osteopenic Women. J Periodontol. 79(8):1409-18, 2008.
Estafan, D, Klodnitskaya, L, Wolff, MS. Treatment planning in esthetic dentistry requires careful listening to the patient. Gen Dent. 56(3):290-2, 2008. (UI: 19288840)
Acevedo, AM, Montero, M, Rojas-Sanchez, F, Machado, C, Rivera, LE, Wolff, M and Kleinberg I. Clinical Evaluation of the Ability of Cavistat in a Mint Confection to Inhibit the Development of Dental Caries in Children. J. Clin. Dent. 19: 1-8, 2008.
Young, DA, Featherstone, JDB, Roth, JR et al. Consensus statement Caries management by risk assessment: implementation guidelines. CDA J. 35(11):799-805 2007.
Reinhard, R. Stoner, J, Golub, L. Wolff, M S, Lee, H.S., Lynch J., M., Sorsa, T. and Payne, J. Efficacy of Subantimicrobial Dose Doxycycline in Post-menopausal Women: Clinical Outcomes. J. Clin. Periodont. 34(9):768-775, 2007.
Payne, J, Stoner JA, Nummikoski, PV, Reinhardt RA, Goren AD, Wolff MS, Lee HM, Lynch JC, Valente R and Golub LM. Subantimicrobial Dose Doxycycline Effects on Alveolar Bone Loss in Post-menopausal Women, J. Clin. Periodont.34(9):776-787, 2007.
Wolff, MS, Allen, K and Kaim, J. A One Hundred Year Journey from G.V. Black to Minimal Surgical Intervention Comped. Dent. Ed. 28(3):130-135, 2007.
Featherstone, JB, Domejean-Orliaguet, S, Jenson, L, Wolff, M and Young, D. Caries Risk Assessment in practice for age 6 through adult. CDA J. 35(10):703-713 2007.
Acevedo, A.M., Machado, C., Rivera, LE, Wolff, M. and Kleinberg, I. The inhibitory effect of an arginine bicarbonate/calcium carbonate (CaviStat®) containing dentifrice on the development of dental caries in Venezuelan school children. J. Clin. Dent. 16: 63-70, 2005.
Books and Chapters
Successful Esthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry for the Modern Dental Practice Dental Clinics of North America. Ed. Calamia, JR, Wolff, MS, Simonsen, RJ. Volume 51, Issue 2, Pages 281-572 (April 2007)
Fontana, M, Young DA and Wolff, MS. Evidence-based Caries Risk Assessment and Treatment in Evidence-Based Dentistry Dental Clinics of North America. Ed Thomas, MV. Vol 53, Issue 1, Pages 149-161 (January 2009). UI: 19215749
Fontana M. Young DA. Wolff MS. Pitts NB. and Longbottom C. Defining dental caries for 2010 and beyond. Dental Clinics of North America. 54(3):423-40, 2010 Jul. UI: 20630187
Current concepts in cariology Dental Clinics of North America. Ed. Young, DA, Fontana, M and Wolff, MS. Volume 54(3) xiii-xv, 2010 Jul. UI: 20630186
Calamia JR., Levine JB., Lipp M., Cisneros G. and Wolff M. Smile Design and Treatment Planning With the Help of a Comprehensive Esthetic Evaluation Form. Dental Clinics of North America. Vol 55(2):187-211, 2011 Apr.
Esthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry for Modern Dental Practice: Update 2011 Dental Clinics of North America. Ed. Calamia, JR, Trushkowsky, R, Wolff, MS. Vol 55(2), 2011 Apr, Pages 187-418.
Rochlen GK and Wolff M. Technological Advances in Caries Diagnosis. Dental Clinics of North America. Vol 55(3):441-452, 2011 Jul.