Faculty Information

Eric P. Chang, DDS

Adjunct Instructor
Basic Science and Craniofacial Biology
Schwartz, 345 East 24th Street
E-mail: ec110@nyu.edu

Dr. Eric Chang obtained his B.S. in Biochemistry from Virginia tech in 2008 and his Ph.D. in Photochemical Sciences from Bowling Green State University in 2013. He then began working at the NYU College of Dentistry as a postdoc in the lab of John Evans, investigating the role of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) in the mineralization of calcium carbonates. While a postdoc, Eric taught several courses in general chemistry and biology to prospective students in the dental hygiene program. During that time, he also worked with a team of instructors, web developers, and administrators to design an online biochemistry course for incoming dental students, now known as the Building Blocks of Life (BBL).

Eric is now the Course Director of BBL and is working towards improving the course site and exam questions to align with the expectations of the Integrated National Board Dentistry Exam (INBDE). He is also collaborating with several professors to develop the INBDE Preparation course, a completely online class designed to help students review the relationships between basic science and clinical concepts introduced in their coursework. Outside of teaching, Eric volunteers his time with the Self and Peer Assessment program to help dental students at NYU evaluate and assess their soft-skills, such as interpersonal interactions and ethical practices.

More information on the courses taught and support services can be found on the Support Services page.


Complete listing available on the NYU Health Sciences Library site.