

The NYU Dentistry Translational Research Center has the facilities and resources to optimize scientifically rigorous clinical research for individual investigators, industry, academic institutions, governmental agencies, and foundations.

We are structured to conduct clinically relevant and scientifically valid studies in a time-sensitive fashion. An extensive array of Translational Research Center-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as well as training and auditing processes are regularly reviewed and updated for investigators and staff. The Translational Research Center personnel have expertise in all aspects of clinical research, including GCP guidelines, HIPAA regulations, federal regulations, and NIH standards. Calibration, validation, and periodic reassessments for quality control are part of each study.

For more information, please visit the Human Subjects Research page. >>>


The Principal Investigator must complete a study protocol before contacting the Center. For more information on protocol development, please visit the NYU Langone IRB Research Protocol Development & Guidance Tool. >>>

After a protocol is finalized by the Investigator, the Center will assess study feasibility. Administrative support for clinical research studies include:  

  • IRB Submission
  • Budgeting & Contract Agreement
  • Regulatory Compliance 
  • Data Management
  • Clinical Core Services
    • Clinical Research Coordination
    • Subject Recruitment
    • Nursing
    • Dental Hygienist
    • Biological Laboratory Management
    • Dental Laboratory Management

NYU Dentistry requires quarterly or annual QA/QC monitoring on studies performed outside of the Translational Research Center. Please contact dental.research@nyu.edu to provide an estimated budget.