Health Professions Student and Disadvantaged Student Loans

The Health Professions Student Loan and the Loan for Disadvantaged Students are federal loans specifically offered to DDS students. The HPSL and LDS loans have very limited funding and are offered to students based on the availability of funds.

To be eligible for the Health Professions Student Loan or the Loan for Disadvantaged Students a student must:

  • Be enrolled at the NYU College of Dentistry as a DDS Student.
  • Student must be a US Citizen, Eligible Non-Citizen, or Permanent Resident
  • Have submitted a FAFSA for the current aid year with NYU School Code (002785)
Loan Information Loan for Disadvantaged Students Health Professions Student Loan
Interest Rate 5%  5%
Interest Accrues  Beginning of repayment period  Beginning of repayment period
Origination Fee  None None
Initial Grace Period  12 months  12 months

Deferment Options

Multiple Options

Multiple Options
Repayment Period  10 years  10 years
Repayment Plans  Quarterly payment  Quarterly payment

To request the HPSL or LDS Loan please complete the HPSL/LDS Loan Request Form or contact Financial Services at 212-998-9830.

Contact Us

433 First Avenue,
Suite 125
New York, NY 10010
Phone: (212) 998-9830

Phone Hours:
Monday through Friday,  10:00am to 4:00pm

In-Person Services
We offer in-person counseling services Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week from 9am to 5pm.

Virtual Appointments
You can schedule a virtual appointment through Zoom with a Financial Aid Counselor. Please visit our  Appointment Calendar to check availability and book an appointment.